Sunday, March 8, 2009


when are we gonna get ahead?

ryan is so stressed out. the only time he ever gets irritable, cranky, and just down right mean is when he is stressed about money. last night at 4:30 in the morning we had a huge fight. it started because of the dog. she wanted out. i nudged ryan to let the dog out and all hell broke lose. he was just being mean and saying i never do anythign around here and he's tired of cleaning up boston's poop. ya, i know. random. anyways, i reminded him that boston is not perfect and that i have to clean up accidents 95% more times than he does. and that cleaning accidents is part of parenting. then i told him i was tired of him being mean and short tempered and his hard words to everyone and that i knew all of this wasn't about getting up to let the dog out or cleaning boston's messes. and he admitted what i already knew. that he is super duper extremely stressed out about finances.

we are not gaining any ground. as a matter of fact we are losing ground. the fact that he is not getting any over time is killing us. the bills are piling up. actually, we are now behind. and we've not been behind since way before the kids were born and we were both users. when you use, everything else comes second. anyways, i'm stressed too. but i know that not being nice to my family isn't gonna help the situation.

well, it's sunday and that is our day to sit down and reevaluate our fpu workbook. we've decided to start doing this every sunday afternoon. hopefully we'll get things straight soon.