Monday, February 16, 2009


it's early in the day and i'm already stressing about bills for this pay period. ryan only got 4 hours of over time this pay period and that is not good. we're used to at least 20. at the very least. i know that God will provide for us though. i'm just gonna leave it up to Him.

ryan gets paid every two weeks. i would love to have two paychecks in the back at all times. available for paying bills. for instance, i would pay februarys bills off of januarys paychecks. that would be nice. and is a goal that i've added to my little sidebar thingy.

when ryan gets home today we are going to get out our fpu book and do the lists in the back of the book. i can't think of the names of them right now. but you know, the ones where you list out all your monthly bills and then the one where you list out the things you could pay off. like credit cards, or car payments or whatever.

i'm excited about really going gazelle on this. we will do it this time. i am pretty stressed about it but we can do it. i'm tired of stressing about money.

*so far today, i've said no to $15 basketball pictures for bray. i felt bad but, the truth is i can take a picture of him and print it at walmart for under a dollar! to me that is money best put towards bills or the emergency fund*